There are numerous varieties of bed bugs, and their lifespans range from 8 months to 18 months, depending on how often the bugs are fed. When temperatures drop, bed bugs can hibernate for up to a year without eating.

Because of this, predicting when bed bugs in a vacant home would die out is challenging. The length of time that bed bugs can survive in an abandoned house depends on a number of factors, including:

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live in an Empty House

Bed bugs, the tiny blood-sucking pests, are a homeowner’s nightmare. Their resilience, ability to multiply quickly, and knack for hiding make them particularly challenging to manage.

Whether you’re facing a bed bug infestation or hoping to avoid one, understanding their behavior is essential. This article dives deep into the life of bed bugs, exploring their survival in empty houses, reproductive rate, and effective eradication methods.

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Phases of a Bed Bug’s Life Cycle

There are two major stages of a bed bug’s life cycle: the nymph and the adult. Since nymphs must go through five stages of development before reaching the adult form, they need a substantial amount of blood to support their rapid pace of development.

This is why the average lifespan of a nymph is only a few weeks, at most two months, if it never feeds at all after hatching. If you have nymphs in your house that have already fed once and turned red, they could live for up to eight months without another chance to do so.

Regarding the Weather And the Temperature:

Although bed bugs can hang around for quite some time in a deserted home, their chances of survival are considerably diminished if the place is too cold. It’s likely that bed bugs will perish after a few weeks if the temperature of the empty house remains too warm or too chilly and the insects don’t acquire any blood.

Bed bugs, according to the research, can only survive temperatures below 25 degrees Fahrenheit for a short period of time.

If your home is located in an area where temperatures routinely dip below freezing for an extended length of time, you can leave it unoccupied for as long as two to three weeks and not worry about bed bugs.

Mice and Other Rodents Found Within the Home

A bed bug population can persist for months or even years without a human host by sucking the blood of rodents like rats and mice. While waiting for humans to return to the house, bedbugs will happily feast on a rat, which they can identify using their keen sense of smell.

Bedbugs may live for months or even years without being fed, so even if there aren’t many rats in your home while you’re gone, they can still get by on the occasional rat or mouse.

The Best Way to Prevent Bringing Bed Bugs With You When You Move.

Even though you probably want to get out of a bedbug-infested house as soon as possible, there is a potential that some of the bugs will hitch a ride with you in your belongings. Since you would be taking the bed bugs with you if this happened, there would be no point in leaving the house empty to kill them.

For this reason, it’s crucial that you take some preventative measures to avoid bringing bedbugs with you. The following are some measures you can take to avoid transporting bed bugs:

Verify that Your Baggage And Suitcases are Bedbug-Free.

Carrying luggage and suitcases with you is not a good idea because bed bugs are not limited to simply beds. Briefcases, suitcases, and bags should all be inspected with a strong LED before being used to transport belongings.

In order to get the best results while washing your clothes, bedding, and other items, use hot water. Bed bugs love to live in the folds of clothes and other materials stashed away in drawers. This is why it is recommended to wash the garments and linens in warm water before packing them.

Give the Pets a Bath Before The Move:

Bed bugs love to conceal themselves in long strands of hair, which is why pets are such a breeding ground for them. Even more importantly, if you plan on bringing your dogs with you, check their fur thoroughly for any signs of bed bugs.

Though bedbugs don’t typically make pets their home, it’s possible that a few could hitch a ride. As a result, it’s recommended that you give your pets a bath before you leave a residence that has bed bugs and that you keep your pets’ beds and crates in a separate room.

Lifespan of Bed Bugs in Empty Homes

Bed bugs are astonishingly resilient. In an empty house with no host to feed on, they can still survive for several months. Cooler temperatures further extend their survival, with bugs living up to a year in such conditions.

How Long Can Bed Bugs Survive Without Feeding?

A bed bug can live up to several months without a blood meal, depending on environmental conditions. Younger bugs, called nymphs, require more frequent feeding, so their survival duration is shorter than mature bugs.

Chemical Solutions: Killing Bed Bugs Permanently

Pesticides containing pyrethroids are often used against bed bugs. However, some bugs have developed resistance. For effective results, professional-grade treatments like silica gel or diatomaceous earth are recommended.

Natural Infestation Resolution: Can They Leave on Their Own?

Unfortunately, bed bugs are unlikely to leave voluntarily. While they might migrate to a new location in search of food, eliminating them requires active intervention.

Comprehensive Guide to Permanently Getting Rid of Bed Bugs

  • Inspection: Identify infested areas. Look for bugs, eggshells, and rust-colored stains.
  • Clean Up: Vacuum the house thoroughly, including hidden nooks.
  • Heat Treatment: Wash and dry bedding and clothing at high temperatures.
  • Chemical Treatment: Use approved pesticides or hire professionals.
  • Monitor: Regularly check and trap to ensure they don’t return.

Vinegar and Bed Bugs: Does it Work?

Vinegar, being acidic, can kill bed bugs upon direct contact. However, it won’t eliminate eggs. It’s best as a supplementary measure rather than a primary solution.

The Primary Causes Behind Bed Bug Infestations

  • Travel: Bugs hitchhike on luggage and clothing.
  • Used Furniture: Buying second-hand furniture without inspecting can introduce bugs.
  • Nearby Infestations: Living in close quarters, like apartments, can lead to spread.

The Rapid Multiplication Rate of Bed Bugs

A single female bed bug can lay up to 250 eggs in her lifetime. With a typical lifespan of 2-4 months for a bug, you can imagine how quickly a small infestation can turn severe.

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Statements at the Conclusion

It’s not enough to just leave an empty house for the bed bugs to die. Furthermore, it is not simple to abandon a home for a year in the hopes that the bed bugs will die out on their own.

It is important to get the house treated for bed bugs to ensure that they are eliminated for good, even though bed bugs will eventually die of starvation if the house is left unoccupied for long periods of time.

Bed bugs are a persistent problem, but with the right knowledge and measures, they can be effectively tackled. Regular inspection, cleanliness, and swift action at the first sign of an infestation are crucial. It’s always better to prevent than to cure, especially when it comes to these tenacious pests.