Some consider the contentious and closely disputed presidential election of 2016 to be among the most significant of this century.

Numerous psychics offered their opinions on the election’s outcome, with many favouring Republican candidate Donald J. Trump’s chances while others thought Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton would make history as the first female president.

Psychic Twins Predictions for 2016 Presidential Election


Predictions from Psychics for the 2016 Presidential Election

Psychics were surprisingly accurate in their early predictions about leftist outsider Bernie Sanders becoming the Democratic nominee and ultimately winning the US presidency.

Nothing of the sort. On January 6, 2016, for instance, the Pittsburgh City Paper reported on two psychics who had predicted the wrong winner of the 2016 presidential election.

  • Tamar George, a psychic from Pittsburgh, claimed the majority of voters in the United States will pick Bernie Sanders because he would reduce the influence of big money in politics.
  • Another Pittsburgh clairvoyant, Suzanne Bishop, also predicted that Bernie Sanders will get the Democratic nomination and end up being president.

Predictions Were Made Generally by Psychic

Tony Morris, a psychic medium and intuitive life coach headquartered in Santa Barbara, California, has provided some predictions for the upcoming 2016 U.S. presidential election. This forecast was highlighted in the Huffington Post. Morris was always careful to avoid picking a victor.

He witnessed Trump lifting his arms in triumphant gesture. Morris clarified that Trump’s self-perception as a victor in the vision did not guarantee he would ultimately win the election.

It was argued by Trump’s opponents that his forecast was not 100% certain, giving him an escape if Trump lost the election.

Do the Odds Favor Hillary Clinton in 2016? Psychics Say Yes.

Many well-known seers predicted that Hillary Clinton will be elected president in 2016. Not one of them was right.

  • Wearing a fluffy purple bathrobe, psychic Danielle Egnew was emphatic in a YouTube video posted on May 14, 2016, that no amount of money or tweets from Donald Trump will make him president. Egnew declared, “The odds are against it happening. Unlike popular belief, it does not exist in some abstract realm. In no way, shape, or form does it have any dimensions.” Sadly, she was completely incorrect.
  • It turns out that the famous clairvoyant twins got the 2016 election incorrect. The Jamisons’ Linda and Terry both predicted that Clinton would be elected. They made a mistake.
  • America’s Psychic Challenge was won by Michelle Whitedove. She declared on Twitter on January 12, 2016, “I prophesy that Trump will not become president – Donald, You’re Fired!” Then she predicted that Hillary Clinton will become the first female president. In Hillary’s 2008 presidential campaign, she made the same proclamation. She was incorrect once more.
  • Psychic Kyra Oser predicted a close victory for Hillary Clinton, with Donald Trump threatening to challenge the outcome. Sadly, she was completely incorrect.

What the Psychics Say We Have a Winner: Donald Trump

Betsey Lewis and Craig Hamilton-Parker were two psychics who correctly predicted Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election.

In light of new information, Craig Hamilton-Parker adjusted his earlier forecast. Betsey Lewis, on the other hand, predicted from the outset and later reiterated with great certainty that Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States.

Lewis, Betsey

Betsey Lewis, a world-famous clairvoyant, was one of the few who properly anticipated Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election.

Earlier in 2016, Lewis had anticipated that Trump would eventually become the Republican nominee.

Lewis provided further details on her forecast in April of 2016 when she said, “Now, I think Donald J. Trump will be elected president of the United States in November… My future viewing device showed Trump swearing in as president.”

Professor Craig Hamilton-Parker

For the 2016 presidential election, prominent British psychic Craig Hamilton-Parker said, “Jeb Bush would stand and be forced to leave through illness.”

I think I may have been seeing Trump, so I’ve altered this forecast,” he said after making a change to it. His second prognostication was that Donald Trump will be elected president of the United States before becoming ill and having to resign.

He was correct about Trump’s victory but incorrect about Trump’s health and subsequent resignation.

Predictions made by Psychics Regarding the 2016 Presidential Election were Largely Inaccurate.

Some psychics prophesied that Donald J. Trump would be elected president, and they were right.

There were psychics who blamed free will for their failed predictions in the 2016 presidential election, while others were more forthcoming about their mistakes.