The striking contrast between the dark purple and green leaves of this Geogenanthus plant is its defining characteristic. This plant makes for a great ornament because of its unique leaf and sturdy growth, both of which lend visual interest to any room.

Did you know that out of the three species in the plant genus Geogenanthus, only two are commercially viable as houseplants? Having a Ciliatus in your home is wonderful, but appreciating its stunning beauty requires a basic understanding of plant maintenance.

Purple Black Lacquered Stunner Geogenanthus Ciliatus


Geogenanthus Ciliatus: The Basics of Plant Maintenance


Geogenanthus Ciliatus can be planted in any standard cactus and succulent potting soil. A potting mix formulated specifically for African violets is what you need. Depending on what you have on hand, choose one of these recipes.

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Peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite in a 2:1:1 ratio. Mix equal amounts of peat moss and vermiculite or perlite. Planting medium for African violets should consist of equal parts potting soil, peat moss, and either perlite or vermiculite.

Loam-based heavy potting mixture with peat moss and sand is another option. Soil pH should be maintained between 6.1 and 7.3 for this unusual plant to thrive. It may be grown outside in USDA hardiness zones 10a through 12 with some care.


The foliage of this plant is what sets it apart as a desirable specimen. A little work is required to keep this plant looking great, though, and hydration is a major factor. A steady supply of water is necessary because this plant is originally from a mesic environment.

Make sure the soil is consistently moist by checking it every several days. The Geogenanthus Ciliatus plant, likes to keep its soil slightly moist at all times. If you’re growing Geogenanthus Ciliatus inside, you’ll need to check the soil more frequently to see if it’s dry.


Outdoors, this plant species thrives in partial shade, out of the hot sun. The best place to grow plants indoors is a dark one. Seeing as how light plays a crucial role in leaf pigmentation, I recommend providing at least some dappled sunshine.

Remember that Ciliatus and other Geogenanthus plants require very little light, so if natural sunshine isn’t an option, artificial lighting is a good second choice. While working with fluorescent bulbs or other artificial lighting, you’ll have more control over the level of illumination.


This plant does well in both warm and cool environments. But, for optimal growth, I suggest keeping the temperature where it needs to be.

Geogenanthus Ciliatus may survive in temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit indoors (10 degrees Celcius). Because the Ciliatus plant’s growth is sensitive to consistent temperatures, I avoid placing it near draughty windows and doors.


In fact, this species thrives in damp conditions. Humidity may be increased in more than one way, which is good news. As a first step, spray your plant frequently throughout the day. Since the rate of evaporation is lowest in the evening, this task is best performed first thing in the morning.

It’s best to mist plants in the morning so that the water can evaporate during the day and create a humid climate that will prevent the leaves from wilting or developing fungus.

The use of a humidifier is another failsafe strategy for accomplishing this. Humidity levels of 60–90% are recommended throughout the day, while those of 70–90% are ideal for the evening.


During the spring and summer, when this species is actively growing, it requires a higher concentration of nutrients. A high-quality organic liquid fertiliser diluted to half strength is all you need. A 10-10-10 split is a good middle ground.

This guarantees that all nutrients are supplied uniformly. Because chemical burns and toxicity can result from using too much fertiliser, it is essential that it be diluted. The pH of the soil can be thrown off, resulting in a less than optimal planting medium.


The tuberous root system of the Geogenanthus Ciliatus is strong and vigorous. Geogenanthus is distinguished from its close cousins, such as Cochliostema and Plowmanianthus, by its unique root system.

After a year, you’ll want to repot this plant. If it hasn’t outgrown its pot after a year, you can leave it there and simply add new potting mix made specifically for African violets.


This ornamental species is relatively low-maintenance, but it can be pruned to achieve a fuller, bushier appearance. If you want fresh growth from your Geogenanthus Ciliatus in the spring, you should prune it in late winter.

Cut back on any disease transmission by removing any damaged leaves or stems before winter. There is a high risk of viral and bacterial proliferation in the winter, when the plant remains dormant.

If you want your Ciliatus to recover quickly after being trimmed, it’s best to use sharp instruments that let you make clean cuts.


Stem cuttings and rhizome division are the main methods of propagation for this plant. Successfully cloning a Geogenanthus Ciliatus is more likely to occur in the spring.

Issues Often Encountered by Geogenanthus Ciliatus

This plant’s lush and dark foliage makes it a must-have, although you may encounter problems during cultivation. The next sections go into detail about these topics.

Painful Chemical Burns

Overfertilizing your Geogenanthus Ciliatus can prevent it from absorbing water and nutrients and can burn the rhizome or tubers, so be careful. The plant’s defences will be lowered, leaving it more vulnerable to environmental stresses such as drought, cold, and heat.

When the Geogenanthus Ciliatus plant is deprived of water and fertiliser, it never grows to its full potential. Yet, an excess of one nutrient can also stress your plant, so using the wrong sort of fertiliser is detrimental.

The soil in my indoor garden has been thoroughly examined by the local gardening centre. By pinpointing the specific nutrient that’s lacking, you can ensure that it gets replenished.

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Disease in Geogenanthus Ciliatus might be caused by your plant’s extreme fragility, by unfavourable climatic conditions, or by a fungus or virus. Eliminating the potential for disease in the first place is the most effective treatment option.

I recommend thoroughly vetting any houseplants you’re considering purchasing. In the fall, you should clean the area around your plant and keep an eye out for any bugs or broken components as you clean.